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Seeing the trees in the forest being cut down, I know what to do for "our home".


It's tree planting day! Ding Yutao, Wu Yunying, Luo Ying and I went to Foziling to plant trees. We took saplings, showers and shovels and set out.


Along the way, we sang and laughed. The car breezed along the mountain road.


When we got to Foziling, we managed to climb to the top of the mountain. What we see is not a dense forest, but a bare one. Let's get up and plant a tree each. I took a shovel, walked heavily to find a suitable piece of land, and then dug a pit, put the small saplings in, cultivate the soil, drench the water. I planted the trees, and saw that Ding Yutao had not dug a hole, so I went to dig a hole and plant trees with her. A drop of sweat fell down my cheek and into the earth Some students dig holes, some plant trees, some water. The mountain blew with a gust of hot wind. Everyone has planted trees, and the drooping heads of the little trees that we have watered are suddenly raised. The branch swayed in the spring wind as if to say "thank you.". We're leaving, and the branches are swinging again to wave "goodbye" to us. We reluctantly left Foziling.


Through this tree planting activity, I learned to protect the environment. In order to protect "our beautiful home", everyone should take action and plant trees!


  • 標籤: 植樹 植樹節 範文 翻譯 作文 關於植樹節的作文500
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