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我的鬧鐘 My Alarm Clock二年級英語作文

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I get up early in the morning, because I have to go to school. I have a lovely alarm clock. I bought it two years ago. Its a pink hello kitty. I like it very much, except it wakes me up in the morning. There are three hands in it. The longest one is second hand. It runs fast. The minute hand is shorter and runs slower. When the second hand makes one revolution, it moves 1/60 revolution. The shortest one is hour hand and it runs the slowest. It only makes two revolutions a day. Under the three hands is the face of hello kitty. I like my little lovely alarm clock.

 我的鬧鐘 My Alarm Clock二年級英語作文

我早上起得很早,因爲我要去上學。我有一個可愛的鬧鐘,兩年前買的。它是一個粉紅色的Hello Kitty,我很喜歡它,當然除了它每天把我叫醒的時候。我的鬧鐘裏有三根指針,最長的那根是秒針,跑得很快。秒針比分針短一些,也走得慢一些。秒針跑了一圈,分針才移動一格。最短的.是時針,它移動得也最慢,一天就移動兩圈。Hello Kitty的臉在三根指針下方,看起來很可愛。我喜歡我的小鬧鐘。


  • 標籤: 二年級 Alarm 作文 鬧鐘 Clock 生日party作文
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